Date: Sunday March 9th
Start Time: 2pm
End Time: 6pm
Cost: $30 online / $35 in-person
Seat Cap: 32
Welcome to Archazia’s Island, where friendly pets abound! Beyond the cast of cuddly critters, lies an ancient secret just waiting to be discovered…
This is a modified Starter Deck event. Each player will start with a set of 4 booster packs of the set and then get their choice of either starter deck. Players will then build a 50 card deck with all of their cards and will then play against other players in the event with 3 swiss-format rounds, best 2 out of 3 matches.
Prize support will include:
Players going 2-1 will get 1 additional booster packs
Players going 3-0 will get 2 additional booster packs
Lorcana: Archazia's Island Hobby Release 3/9
Date: Sunday March 9th Start Time: 2 pm End Time: 6 pm Cost: $30 online / $35 in-person Seat Cap: 32