This week we’re highlighting a unique game that’s probably different than any you’ve played before! Clip Cut Parks has a level of interactivity that makes it both a mental and tactile adventure for the whole family. Here are the basic stats (via
Players: 1-4
Average Play Time: 30 Minutes
Ages 8+
Players each work to create different park settings the fastest while adhering to park card specific directions. The way in which these are created is by rolling a specialty die and then clipping and cutting squares from a template of different types of places/features that you find in a park such as pavilions, wildlife, or water. These squares are then matched to the park cards to make your park layout. The game comes with plenty of cards, but if you’re worried about running out, here is a link to more that you can print out as needed: Clip Cut Parks Printable Sheet
Clip Cut Parks is an incredibly fun game that all ages can enjoy, making it perfect for your whole family! The clip and cut strategy aspect of this game is easy to grasp, and encourages creativity and forethought.
Renegade Games has a great video that walks you through how to play in more detail below! Be sure to call or stop by the Lair this week – we’d love to get your hands on a copy.